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The Hispanic Face of Jesus

Magnificent book that deals with the challenges and hopes of the Latin American people of the United States; a cultural, hermeneutical and pastoral vision from the migratory reality of this people.

The authors, from different perspectives, reach the same conclusion: the need for a Hispanic Pastoral action for the Latino immigrant people in the United States.

First, Raúl Zaldívar makes an anthropological, cultural and historical analysis of what he calls The Face of a Suffering People, its culture, its history, its fears, its hopes and draws a parallel with another immigrant face: that of Jesus. It invites us as a people to a theological rethinking of the content and form of our message, in order to be effective. In short, adapt our thinking to the context of diversity and cultural richness of our peoples.

Next, Miguel Álvarez starting from hermeneutics, Towards a Hopeful Hermeneutics, offers us a vision of the different currents of Latin theology that exist today, to answer the question: How do Hispanics interpret the Scriptures? and proposes a method of integration that includes: the Word, the Spirit, history and tradition. With this methodology, it confronts the challenges and hopes of our context as a community of faith to put ourselves at the service of the believer and the church.

The conclusion that David E. Ramírez visualizes is that of The Commitment to a Better Future where he specifies and finalizes the vision of a new definition for the ministry of the Hispanic Church. He argues that the challenge of the current Church demands a knowledge of the integral and concrete reality of the immigrant and, therefore, his own ministerial preparation or, as he says, a genuine Hispanic Ministry.

A necessary book for commitment and solidarity with Hispanics in the United States and their mission in the Christian church today.

The Hispanic Face of Jesus

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