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The term used as the title of this book "apocalypticism", can confuse people little versed in the matter, leading them to believe that it is another commentary on the biblical text of the Revelation of Saint John:_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The Apocalypse.

However, this is not the content or purpose of the excellent research work that its pages offer. Dr. Zaldivar adopts in his approach a very different angle from the traditional one. Assuming that the “apocalypticism”, or idea of the end of the world, has ceased to be an eschatological issue limited to debate in religious circles to become something of general interest , and even more, in a lucrative business, his objective with this work is:

— Provide coherent explanations for the irresistible fascination that the idea of the end of the world_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d has historically exerted on all levels of human beings.

— Denouncing the exploitation and abuses committed under its protection by the mass communication industry, –journalistic, publishing, television, film, etc– both at a general level and also in religious circles.

— Demonstrate that part of the predictions described in the Apocalypse of Saint John are not future events, but present realities that are already happening in the world.

— Present from a contemporary evangelical theological position, proposals to develop a Latin American eschatology of its own, free of foreign interference.

The subject is delicate and controversial in all its aspects, with deep ramifications at all levels, and it is fair to say that exposing it openly and analyzing it properly, as the author does, is reckless and denotes enormous courage. But Dr. Raúl Záldivar is a young, enterprising and dynamic theologian; clear exponent of a new generation of Latin American evangelical scholars who are not intimidated by the new challenges of contemporary Christian thought, who do not blush when there is a need to acknowledge past errors or denounce present abuses; and that they do not wrinkle or go back when it comes to proposing proposals that are faithful to the Word, but innovative and adjusted to the needs of the times. And this is precisely what he does in this work, where he thoroughly analyzes the issue of the end of the world from a Christian and balanced perspective, using the critical method.


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